The documentary series Missing, Presumed Dead premiereswith the story of John Peters, a former RAF pilot and hostage survivor. The episode looks into his experience during the Gulf War, specifically when his plane was shot down over Iraq, leading to his capture and imprisonment.
On the first day of Operation Desert Storm, Peters and his co-pilot, John Nichol, encountered a life-threatening situation as their plane was struck by a shoulder-launched missile. This unfortunate event marked the beginning of a harrowing seven-week period during which they endured brutal mental and physical torture at the hands of their captors. The world caught a glimpse of Peters’ battered face as Saddam Hussein’s regime used his image as a warning to the West.
This instalment of Missing, Presumed Dead provides a detailed account of Peters’ resilience and his struggle to cope with the extreme physical and mental challenges he faced during his captivity. There are interviews with Peters himself, along with contributions from his family and experts in abduction and hostage situations.
Missing, Presumed Dead: John Peters: Shot Down airs on Crime & Investigation on Tuesday, 24 September 2024, at 9:00 pm.