Danny and Sonia, a brother-and-sister duo from Far North Queensland, are set to spice things up in the kitchen as they join the upcoming season of MKR, airing soon on Channel 7. Growing up, the siblings learned to hunt, fish, and cook, instilling a deep passion for food and a unique approach to Aussie cuisine.
Sonia reflects on their humble beginnings, sharing, “We didn’t have much, but we had love and we had food.” Their journey on MKR is about more than just cooking; it’s a celebration of their bond and a chance to showcase their unique dynamic to Australia.
Danny, a butcher with a distinctive “grouse” mullet, is eager to showcase his cooking skills, meet new people, and enjoy the experience. Together, they exude confidence and describe their cooking style as “fast and furious with passion.” Despite potential debates over processes, they have each other’s backs and are determined to succeed.
The pair, self-proclaimed “everyday Aussies,” might just surprise everyone with their culinary prowess. Will their passion and unique background be the secret ingredients to success?
MKR, hosted by Manu Feildel and Colin Fassnidge, takes audiences on a journey across Australia, featuring the country’s most passionate home cooks. It’s a celebration of real people, creating real food in their own kitchens.