Molly Kearney, the first nonbinary cast member in the history of “Saturday Night Live” (SNL), has announced their departure from the show after two seasons. Kearney shared the news on social media, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of the iconic sketch comedy series.
In their announcement, Kearney reflected on their time on SNL, saying “it was a true honor to work with such a talented group of writers and DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE CAST.” They also gave a special shout-out to their fellow cast and crew members, including Marcello Hernandez, Michael Longfellow, and Devon Walker, who joined the show alongside Kearney in season 48.
Current and former SNL cast members showed their support in the comments, with Molly Shannon writing, “What an incredible run, Molly. Proud to know you.” Kearney’s unique perspective and presence on the show will be missed, as they move on to new endeavors.