The second season of the American biographical crime anthology series “Monster,” titled “Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story,” is set to premiere worldwide on Netflix on September 19, 2024. Created by Ryan Murphy and Ian Brennan, this season focuses on the 1989 murders of José and Kitty Menéndez by their sons, Lyle and Erik.
The series is the second installment in the “Monster” anthology, following “Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story.”
“Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story” chronicles the real-life case of the Menendez brothers, who were convicted in 1996 for the murders of their parents. The brothers claimed their actions were driven by fear of a lifetime of abuse, while the prosecution argued they were motivated by money they would inherit.
The cast includes Nicholas Alexander Chavez as Lyle Menéndez, Cooper Koch as Erik Menéndez, Javier Bardem as José Menéndez, and Chloë Sevigny as Kitty Menéndez. Nathan Lane portrays journalist Dominick Dunne, Ari Graynor plays defense attorney Leslie Abramson, Dallas Roberts is Dr. Jerome Oziel, and Leslie Grossman plays Judalon Smyth.
Initially ordered as a limited series in 2020, Netflix renewed Monster as an anthology series in November 2022, with plans for two additional seasons based on other notorious figures. The third season will explore the life of serial killer Ed Gein.