The BET reality show Ms. Pat Settles It returns with a new episode titled “Sis, This Wedding Cake Is Wack.” In this episode, Judge Ms. Pat takes on a variety of cases, from friends fighting over money to exes clashing in a delivery app dispute.
Ms. Pat brings her unique brand of humor to the courtroom as she tackles these cases with the help of a lively jury composed of friends, family, and guest comics. In one case, she settles a dispute between pals from the pen, who are at odds over money owed for transcription work. The episode also features a disagreement between exes involving a delivery app.
Ms. Pat also addresses a messy situation between sisters, with a wedding cake at the center of their conflict.
Ms. Pat Settles It: Sis, This Wedding Cake Is Wack airs on Wednesday, August 7, 2024, at 10:00 p.m. on BET.