MTV has announced that its reality series, Caught in the Act: Unfaithful, will return for a new season, premiering on Tuesday, 17 September, at 9 p.m. ET/PT. The show, hosted by TV veteran Tami Roman, presents intense confrontations and unpredictable twists.
This season, the show explores a new case each week, investigating clandestine meetings, family betrayals, engagement entanglements, and scandals. Roman is joined by relationship expert Coach Ken and an investigation team as they aid suspicious lovers in exposing their partners.
Each episode of Caught in the Act: Unfaithful examines trust and deception, leading to pivotal decisions for those wronged: whether to unite with their partner’s other lover or expose both deceitful parties.
Caught in the Act: Unfaithful is an Antoinette Media production for MTV. Executive Producers are Lashan Browning, Donna Edge-Rachell, Paris Bauldwin, Alissa Horowitz, Daniel Wiener, Jamail Shelton, Rich Allen and Tami Roman. Executive Producers for MTV are Sitarah Pendelton-Eaglin and Jennifer Aguirre.