Murder By Medic, airing on Crime & Investigation, explores the dark side of medicine, where those trained to save lives instead take them away. In this episode, the documentary examines the case of Mitesh Patel, who was convicted of murdering his wife, Jessica Patel, in a carefully plotted scheme.
At the time of his conviction in December 2018, Mitesh was 37 years old and ran a pharmacy with Jessica. The documentary reveals how Mitesh spent months planning to kill his wife so he could start a new life in Australia with his secret boyfriend, Amit Patel, and receive a £2 million life insurance payout. He had taken out multiple life insurance policies in Jessica’s name and researched methods to end her life.
Prosecutors believe he used a combination of insulin injection, suffocation with a plastic bag, and strangulation to commit the heinous act.
After murdering Jessica, Mitesh attempted to cover his tracks by creating a scene of ransacked rooms and binding Jessica’s wrists and ankles with duct tape. He initially claimed that there had been a break-in at his home in Middlesbrough. Now, at 40 years old, Mitesh is serving a life sentence with a minimum term of 30 years.
Murder By Medic: Mitesh Patel airs on Crime & Investigation on Thursday 29 August 2024 at 8:00 pm.