Channel 5 presents Murderer on Ward 4, a true crime documentary airing on Tuesday, 27 August 2024, at 10:00 PM. The programme tells the disturbing story of Beverley Allitt, also known as the Angel of Death, the first killer nurse convicted in the country.
Between February and April 1991, Ward 4 of Grantham Hospital was rocked by a series of tragic events. Thirteen children inexplicably stopped breathing or suffered heart failure, and four of them died. While medics attributed these incidents to coincidence, the police embarked on a different path, treating them as potential murder cases. The question remained: if these were indeed murders, who was behind them?
The Lincolnshire Police zeroed in on a prime suspect connected to the mysterious collapses and deaths of infants in the hospital’s children’s ward. However, an unproductive interview raised more questions than it answered. Murderer on Ward 4 documents the challenging journey of investigators and their relentless pursuit of justice as they strive to build a solid case and bring the nation’s first killer nurse to justice.
Murderer on Ward 4 airs on Channel 5 at 10:00 PM, Tuesday, 27 August 2024.