The season premiere of My Brilliant Friend, based on Elena Ferrante’s acclaimed Neapolitan Novels, centres on the intricate bond between Elena Greco and her friend, Raffaella “Lila” Cerullo.
In this opening episode, titled “The Separation,” Elena weighs the option of returning to Naples following criticism from Immacolata and Adele. Meanwhile, Lila discloses unexpected news about Nino.
The story is set against the backdrop of Italy’s turbulent political and social climate in the late 1980s, exploring the adult lives of Elena and Lila as they navigate motherhood, careers, and personal struggles. They confront betrayals, threats, and natural disasters, finding themselves drawn back to the same neighbourhood once again.
My Brilliant Friend: Story of the Lost Child – The Separation airs Monday, September 9, 2024, at 9:00 PM on HBO.