The Loch Ness Monster: cryptid, tourist trap, or simply a very large fish with a penchant for publicity? This week, Channel 4’s Mysteries of… series wades into the murky depths of this enduring enigma, attempting to separate fact from fiction (or at least from blurry photographs).
This documentary gathers a motley crew of Nessie enthusiasts, skeptics, and bemused locals to offer their perspectives on the legend. One particularly eager Nessie hunter claims to have captured the first-ever audio recording of the creature. Is it the sound of a prehistoric beast, or just the gurgling of a particularly gassy trout? The documentary wisely avoids definitive answers, leaving the audience to draw their own conclusions, or perhaps schedule a sonar-equipped expedition to Scotland.
Adding a touch of intellectual heft to the proceedings, an academic weighs in on the psychology behind sightings, exploring why people see what they want to see, whether it’s a monster, a UFO, or just a really good sale at Marks & Spencer. The episode also branches out to explore similar myths from around the world, because apparently, every sizable body of water requires its own resident cryptid. While the documentary doesn’t offer a definitive answer to the Nessie question, it does provide a balanced and entertaining look at the cultural phenomenon surrounding this elusive creature. The documentary gives equal weight to the scientific arguments and the undeniable allure of a good mystery.
Mysteries of Loch Ness airs Sunday, January 26 at 6:05 pm on Channel 4.