NBC’s popular firefighter drama “Chicago Fire” has promoted Jake Lockett to series regular for its upcoming thirteenth season. Lockett joined the show in season eleven as Firefighter Sam Carver, and his character’s relationship with paramedic Violet Mikami (Hanako Greensmith) has been heating up.
The thirteenth season, premiering on September 25 at 8 p.m., will also introduce Dermot Mulroney as Chief Dom Pascal, succeeding Eamonn Walker’s character, and KaDee Strickland as Pascal’s estranged wife. Additionally, Jocelyn Hudon, who portrays Paramedic Lyla Novak, has also been promoted to series regular.
“Chicago Fire” follows the professional and personal lives of the firefighters, rescuers, and paramedics of Firehouse 51 in Chicago. The show stars Taylor Kinney, David Eigenberg, Miranda Rae Mayo, Christian Stolte, and Joe Miñoso.
The series is produced by Universal Television, a division of Universal Studio Group, in association with Wolf Entertainment. Executive producers include Dick Wolf, Andrea Newman, Matt Whitney, Reza Tabrizi, and Peter Jankowski.