Netflix has announced a new series, The Boroughs, featuring an impressive ensemble cast led by Alfred Molina, Geena Davis, Alfre Woodard, Denis O’Hare, Clarke Peters, and Bill Pullman. This supernatural mystery, created by Jeffrey Addiss and Will Matthews, who also serve as showrunners, is executive produced by The Duffer Brothers and Hilary Leavitt.
The series stars Molina as “Sam,” Davis as “Renee,” Woodard as “Judy,” O’Hare as “Wally,” Peters as “Art,” and Pullman as “Jack.” It tells the story of a group of unlikely heroes in a retirement community who must unite to confront an otherworldly threat, fighting to protect their most valuable resource – time.
Ben Taylor will serve as an executive producer and direct multiple episodes, including the pilot. The Boroughs is an eight-episode drama series, marking the latest addition to Netflix’s overall deal with Upside Down Pictures. This deal includes the expansion of the Stranger Things franchise with the critically acclaimed play Stranger Things: The First Shadow, the psychological horror series Something Very Bad is Going to Happen, and the highly anticipated Stranger Things 5.