Netflix’s “Untold,” the critically acclaimed docuseries, returns on August 20, with three new athletic narratives that explore the surprising sides of sports figures’ lives. The character-driven stories hinge on intimate, first-person accounts, revealing the grit, resilience, and triumphs beneath the sweat.
The first story, “The Murder of Air McNair” (airing on August 20), explores the life and tragic death of former NFL MVP Steve “Air” McNair, along with the unanswered questions surrounding his 2009 murder. The series also features Connor Stalions, who gained notoriety due to his role in the Michigan college football sign-stealing scandal, and U.S. soccer icon Hope Solo, whose rise to fame was marked by both glory and scandal.
“Untold” captures the excitement of McNair’s Super Bowl run with the Tennessee Titans, the impact of sign-stealing schemes, and the unique mix of glory and scandal that accompanied Solo’s career.
The series, directed by Rodney Lucas, Micah Brown, and Taylor Ward, is executive produced by Chapman Way, Maclain Way, Ben Silverman, and Howard T. Owens.
The Murder of Air McNair and Hope Solo vs. U.S. Soccer produced by Propagate and Stardust Frames Productions; Sign Stealer produced by UNINTERRUPTED in association with MakeMake, Propagate, and Stardust Frames.