The fifth episode of New House No Debt, titled “Boat or City Life?,” airs on A&E on Saturday, August 17, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. In this episode, Shawn and his girlfriend, Audra, face a dilemma as they tackle their conflicting dreams and desires.
Shawn has always dreamed of living on a boat, and he wants Audra to join him in this unique lifestyle. However, Audra has her heart set on an urban existence in the vibrant city of Philadelphia. This episode explores the challenges they face as they try to find a compromise that fulfills both of their aspirations without sacrificing their love for each other.
Shawn is determined to make his childhood dream a reality, but he also doesn’t want to lose the woman he loves. Will they find a way to blend their visions of the future, or will their conflicting desires drive them apart?
New House No Debt: Boat or City Life? airs on Saturday, August 17, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. on A&E.