The well-known comedian and presenter Romesh Ranganathan takes on a new challenge with The Misinvestigations of Romesh Ranganathan, a three-part series coming soon to BBC Two and iPlayer. Following the success of his BAFTA-winning Misadventures series, Ranganathan shifts his focus to exploring the lives and deaths of four cultural icons: Tupac Shakur, Sid Vicious, Nancy Spungen, and Jimi Hendrix.
Premiering later this month, each episode will examine the stories of these influential figures who left a lasting impact on the world of entertainment. The series will explore the unexplained deaths of these icons, who all passed away in their twenties, leaving behind unanswered questions and a web of suspicion.
Ranganathan, known for his distinctive humor and curiosity, joins forces with criminal psychologist and writer Dr. Julia Shaw. They engage with experts, eyewitnesses, friends, and journalists to uncover insights into the lives and deaths of these fascinating individuals.
The Misinvestigations of Romesh Ranganathan offers a unique blend of investigation and biography, gently parodying true-crime tropes while providing an empathetic and insightful look into the lives of these celebrities. The series presents an in-depth look at the lives of these icons, set against the backdrop of media scrutiny, providing a unique and fresh perspective on their impact and long-lasting legacy.
The episode focusing on Jimi Hendrix originally aired as a pilot in 2022, and will be included, as part of this new series.
The Misinvestigations of Romesh Ranganathan is commissioned by Catherine Catton, Head of Commissioning, Factual Entertainment, and Events. The series is produced by Rumpus Media, with Emily Hudd and Morgan Roberts serving as Executive Producers. The Commissioning Editor is Ricky Cooper.