The new documentary series OceanXplorers makes its debut on Nat Geo with a double feature on Sunday, August 18, 2024. Kicking off the series at 9:00pm is the episode “Realm of the Humpbacks,” which heads to the Caribbean, specifically the Dominican Republic. Here, the team attempts to uncover the mysteries of the North Atlantic humpback whale. Witnessing a rare and intense ocean battle, the team captures the moment a mother humpback defends her calf against a pack of orcas.
Immediately following at 9:55pm is the second episode, “Giants of the Deep,” which ventures to the Azores. Here, the team pursues the elusive sperm whale, known for its deep-diving capabilities, to uncover their secret lives a mile beneath the ocean’s surface.
OceanXplorers: Realm of the Humpbacks / Giants of the Deep airs Sunday, August 18, 2024, at 9:00 p.m. on Nat Geo.