The long-running BBC Two quiz show Only Connect returns for its 20th series, hosted by Victoria Coren Mitchell. The first episode, titled ‘Al Frescans v Midlanders’, pits three fresh air enthusiasts against a trio of Midlanders in a battle of wits and lateral thinking.
In this episode, the contestants must find connections between a series of seemingly random clues. For instance, they are challenged to identify the next item in a sequence: sumo, tuwe, thfr… But what could possibly come next?
As the game progresses, the teams will need to use their logic and knowledge to uncover the links between these cryptic clues. Will the Al Frescans’ love of the outdoors give them a breath of fresh air, or will the Midlanders keep their cool and triumph?
Only Connect: Al Frescans v Midlanders airs on Monday, 12 August 2024, at 8:00 pm on BBC Two.