The BBC Two documentary series Parole returns for its second season with another revealing look at the world of parole hearings. The season premiere, airing on Wednesday, 25 September 2024, centres around two compelling cases: that of Martin, who murdered his friend 18 years ago, and 50-year-old Kevin, with a history of assault convictions and an anti-authority attitude.
Martin is seeking a move to an open prison, which would bring him into contact with the public. However, a serious incident while in custody raises concerns about his risk level. The episode explores whether the parole board will deem him ready for this step or if he still poses a threat.
Meanwhile, Kevin’s story is followed as he attempts to convince the panel that he no longer poses a threat to the authorities. With a history of assault, including an attack on two police officers, Kevin attributes his past behaviour to his troubled background. The episode examines whether the panel will be persuaded by his arguments and if they believe he can avoid violent confrontations in the future.
The full six part series will also be available on BBC iPlayer today too.
Parole: Trust No One airs on BBC Two at 9:00 PM on Wednesday, 25 September 2024.