The game show Password, hosted by Stephen Mangan, kicks off its first series and in this debut episode, contestants Adisa and Jo aim to guess mystery passwords across multiple rounds, with the chance to win £10,000.
Password presents a humorous take on the word association game. Each episode, Mangan is joined by resident team captains, comics Alan Carr and Daisy May Cooper. In this episode, Carr and Cooper each pair up with a contestant, giving one-word clues to help their teammates guess a mystery password.
The gameplay requires the teams to attune to each other’s wavelengths as they alternately guess the passwords in multiple rounds. Expect hilarious clues, amusing guesses, and plenty of laughter as Cooper and Carr support the contestants in their pursuit of the jackpot final and a potential cash prize.
Password: Series Premiere airs Saturday 31 August 2024 at 9:40 pm on ITV1.