In Lifetime Movie Network’s original movie, “The Past Comes Knocking,” airing on Thursday, September 5, 2024, at 8:00 PM, Susan Shaw, played by Marem Hassler, once a fearless investigative journalist, has now traded her busy career for a quiet life as a professor.
However, her peaceful existence is shattered when her past returns to haunt her, and people around her start dying mysteriously. Fearing for her daughter Autumn’s safety, Susan springs into action, reaching out to her old colleagues from her investigative days to unravel the truth behind the threats.
As the bodies pile up and the killer gets closer, Susan stops at nothing to protect herself and her daughter. With the help of her former associates, she pieces together the puzzle, determined to bring the murderer to justice. Will Susan be able to outwit her unknown adversary, or will she become another victim of her mysterious past?
The cast includes Karl E. Lander, Marlee Carpenter, and Tess Briney.
Past Comes Knocking airs on Lifetime Movie Network on Thursday, September 5, 2024, at 8:00 PM.