Peacock has announced a straight-to-series order for M.I.A., a female-led crime thriller set in South Florida. The series is created by Bill Dubuque, co-creator of Ozark. Serving as executive producer and showrunner is Karen Campbell, known for Outlander and Dexter.
M.I.A. tells the story of Etta Tiger Jonze, a woman running drugs within her family. When her family is brutally murdered, Etta embarks on a journey of vengeance, seeking justice for their deaths while building her own chosen family. This move sets her on a path from powerless orphan to South Florida’s criminal queenpin.
Ozark, a critical and audience success, received 45 Emmy nominations and four wins, along with recognition at the Golden Globes, WGA, SAG, and DGA Awards.
M.I.A. is written and executive produced by Bill Dubuque. It is produced by MRC, with Karen Campbell as executive producer and showrunner. Stefano Sollima directs and executive produces.