Peacock has released the trailer for its upcoming original true crime docuseries, Face to Face with Scott Peterson, offering a new perspective on the notorious case that gripped the nation. With the 20th anniversary of Scott Peterson’s conviction approaching, the series features his first on-camera interview since 2003, along with insights from those close to the case.
The three-part docuseries looks at the murders of Laci Peterson and her unborn son, Conner, and the subsequent trial that gripped the country. The series includes exclusive conversations between Director Shareen Anderson and Peterson, as well as interviews with his sister-in-law Janey Peterson, former Modesto Police Department lead detective Al Brocchini, and detective Jon Buehler, among others.
Directed and executive produced by Shareen Anderson, with additional executive producers Po Kutchins, Liz Yale Marsh, and Tim Clancy.
Produced by Universal Television Alternative Studios, the series premieres on Peacock on 20 August 2024.