Peacock has released the official trailer for its upcoming documentary, “Gary,” offering a glimpse into the life and tragic death of Gary Coleman, the celebrated child actor known for his role in the popular sitcom “Diff’rent Strokes.”
The 90-minute documentary, set to premiere on August 29, is an in-depth exploration of Coleman’s rise to fame and the challenges he faced throughout his life. Through exclusive interviews with those closest to him, the film reveals insights into his international stardom, his financial troubles, a tumultuous marriage, and his lifelong struggle with illness and depression.
“Gary” features interviews with fellow “Diff’rent Strokes” actor Todd Bridges, as well as former managers, his estranged parents, and his ex-wife. The film explores the dark sides of his personal life, including the controversies surrounding his death at just 42 years old.
The documentary is directed by Robin Dashwood and executive produced by Louise Norman, Tom Sheahan, Steve Boettcher, and Mike Trinklein.
Gary is a RAW production and premieres August 29, 2024 on Peacock.