The premiere episode of People Magazine Presents: Crimes of the 2010s begins on Christmas Eve 2010, when Lori Ruff, known by various names, including Lori Erica Kennedy Ruff, Lori Erica Ruff, and Becky Turner, was found dead in Texas. Her true identity was a mystery, and her life remained shrouded in secrecy even after her death.
Born Kimberly Maria McLean, Ruff led an enigmatic existence. She had married into the Ruff family under a false name, and her behavior caused strain within the family. After her suicide, her ex-husband and in-laws discovered a lockbox containing documents that hinted at a double life.
The episode examines the work of investigator Joe Velling, who, years later, cracked the case of Ruff’s true identity. He discovered that Ruff had obtained the birth certificate of a deceased girl, allowing her to assume the identity of Becky Turner. She later changed her name to Lori Erica Kennedy, further obscuring her past.
The program reveals how Velling traced Ruff’s past to Pennsylvania, where she had fled her family home as a teenager due to a troubled relationship with her mother and stepfather. Velling’s investigation included showing Ruff’s photographs to suspected relatives, who confirmed the connection, and a DNA sample from Ruff’s daughter further confirmed her true identity.
People Magazine Presents: Crimes of the 2010s – ‘2010: Who Is Lori Ruff?’ airs on Investigation Discovery on Monday, August 19, 2024, at 8:00 PM.