In the Monday night episode of Police Interceptors, Harrison and Joe find themselves in a high-stakes situation as they pursue a driver exhibiting erratic behavior, indicating a potential impending disaster. The intensity escalates as Harrison smashes the driver’s window, allowing Joe to bravely crawl through the broken glass and apprehend the individual.
Meanwhile, in Kettering, officers are dispatched to a break-in report. Chris and Stewart enter the premises and discover a cannabis grow operation, but the suspects have already fled the scene.
Acting on intelligence, the officers initiate a swift response, racing to intercept multiple getaway vehicles believed to be involved in the operation. The pressure continues on the A14, where Stewart and Rachael stop a van due to issues with insurance, MOT, tax, and the driver’s banned status. Stewart remains unfazed by the driver’s attempts at charm and maintains his professional demeanor.
Police Interceptors Season 23 Episode 4 airs Monday, 23 September 2024, at 8:00 PM on Channel 5.