PBS’s long-running independent documentary series POV presents Who’s Afraid of Nathan Law? on Monday, September 23, 2024. The film, directed by Joe Piscatella, is an intimate look at the life and activism of Hong Kong’s renowned pro-democracy activist, Nathan Law.
At just 21 years old, Law emerged as a prominent leader of Hong Kong’s Umbrella Revolution. Two years later, he became the city’s youngest-ever elected lawmaker. However, by the age of 26, he found himself wanted under the National Security Law.
The documentary explores Law’s extraordinary journey, from a shy college student discovering his voice in activism to becoming a central figure in a movement that captured global attention.
Who’s Afraid of Nathan Law? Examines the impact of the Umbrella Revolution, which brought Hong Kong to a standstill for 79 days.
Who’s Afraid of Nathan Law? airs on PBS on Monday, September 23, 2024, at 10:00 p.m. and is available for streaming on PBS.org/pov.