The documentary series Raising Fame returns with its ninth episode, focusing on the life and career of music icon Usher. Airing on TV One on Sunday, September 1, 2024, the episode examines Usher’s journey to stardom, highlighting the role of his mother and manager, Jonnetta Patton.
Born a child star, Usher always had his eyes set on fame and fortune, believing in his talent and potential to make it big. With the expert guidance of Jonnetta, he travelled the path to becoming a music superstar and an icon in the industry. The episode explores Usher’s beginnings and the influence of his mother, who also managed his career.
Through interviews and insights, the episode presents a unique perspective on the road to fame, success, and the impact of family dynamics.
Raising Fame: Usher airs on Sunday, September 1, 2024, at 10:00 PM on TV One.