Rebecca Mader, known for her roles in Lost and Once Upon a Time, is set to guest star in the new CBS comedy series Poppa’s House. The show stars the real-life father-son duo of Damon Wayans and Damon Wayans Jr., with Mader appearing in a November episode.
Mader steps into the role of Susan Pierce, the headmistress of Buckingham, an elite private school that Wayans Jr.’s character’s son attends. Her character is refined and self-assured and her involvement will spark interesting interactions with Wayans’ character, Poppa, who is challenged by the high tuition fees.
Poppa’s House stars Wayans as a happily divorced radio host whose perspectives are challenged by a new female co-host, Dr. Ivy Reed (Essence Atkins), and by his adult son, a dreamer trying to balance passion and family responsibilities. The series also features Tetona Jackson as Wayans Jr.’s wife, Nina.
Mader’s previous credits include Fire Country, Fringe, and No Ordinary Family.
Poppa’s House will debut on October 21, 2023, airing after The Neighborhood and leading into NCIS.