The Australian premiere of Rebus, a UK crime drama based on Ian Rankin’s best-selling novels, airs tonight on SBS. This new series introduces a younger Detective Sergeant John Rebus, who becomes entangled in a violent criminal conflict that takes a personal turn when his ex-soldier brother, Michael, crosses a dangerous line.
In the first episode, Rebus is haunted by a past incident where he nearly killed Edinburgh gangster Ger Cafferty. This traumatic event has left him questioning his role as a police officer and his ability to be a family man. At odds with the evolving corporate nature of his job and stuck in a toxic affair, Rebus feels supplanted in his daughter’s life by his ex-wife’s new wealthy husband.
Amid a backdrop of divisive politics and national discord, Rebus grapples with the relevance of the law and whether everyone, including himself, is reverting to an older, more primitive set of rules.
Rebus airs on SBS and SBS on Demand, with the new series premiere on Thursday 15 August 2024 at 9.20 pm, consisting of six parts.