The British crime drama series Ridley returns for its second season, debuting on PBS Masterpiece with the episode “A Sleeping Tiger, Part 1.” The series centers on Detective Alex Ridley, who, after a personal tragedy, retires from the force but later rejoins as a consultant. He partners with his former trainee, DI Carol Farman, as they take on a range of criminal cases.
In this season’s premiere, Ridley and his team are investigating a deadly jewelry heist.
Starring Adrian Dunbar, Bronagh Waugh, Terence Maynard, George Bukhari, Georgie Glen, Julie Graham, Aidan McArdle, Bhavna Limbachia, and Tareq Al-Jeddal.
Ridley: A Sleeping Tiger, Part 1 aired on Sunday, September 15, 2024, at 8:00 PM on PBS, and is available for streaming on the PBS app.