The Seven Network’s popular drama series RFDS will return for a third season, with production set to commence in South Australia. The show, based on the real-life stories of the Royal Flying Doctor Service, has earned a TV WEEK Logie Award nomination, and its lead cast will reprise their roles.
Filming will take place across locations in Adelaide, the Flinders Ranges, and the Port Augusta RFDS Base, which will double for Broken Hill due to the coinciding upgrade of Broken Hill’s airport and RFDS facilities during the show’s production schedule.
The lead cast includes Emma Hamilton, Stephen Peacocke, Justine Clarke, Ash Ricardo, Emma Harvie, Rodney Afif, Jack Scott, Sofia Nolan, Thomas Weatherall, and Rob Collins.
Creator and Executive Producer Ian Meadows expressed enthusiasm for presenting “the beauty of regional Australia” and the RFDS’s vital work in remote communities.
The new season picks up a year after the previous series, with the RFDS team confronting the consequences of their choices and a tragic event.
The third series has received support from the South Australian Film Corporation and Screen Australia.
RFDS is produced by Endemol Shine Australia, a Banijay Entertainment Company, for the Seven Network.
Major production investment comes from Screen Australia, the Seven Network, and the South Australian Film Corporation.