In this episode of Salvage Hunters, Drew and Viki set out on a journey across the UK, exploring unique locations and seeking hidden treasures. The episode, titled “Treading New Ground,” airs on Quest on Wednesday, 7 August 2024, at 9:00 pm.
Drew and Viki begin their adventure by visiting the factory complex of a historic British cloth producer. They look into the rich history of the company and discover an array of fascinating items. From there, the pair move on to a sprawling reclamation yard, where they dig through piles of salvaged goods in search of valuable finds.
With Drew’s expertise and Viki’s keen eye, they uncover a variety of interesting and unusual objects, each with its own story to tell.
Salvage Hunters: Treading New Ground airs on Wednesday, 7 August 2024, at 9:00 pm on Quest.