Samantha Armytage, a longtime presenter at Seven Network, has announced her departure from the network after 21 years. Armytage has been a familiar face on various Seven Network shows, including “Sunrise,” “Farmer Wants a Wife,” “Today Tonight,” and “The Morning Show.” In a social media post, she confirmed her decision to move on, expressing her gratitude for the opportunities and experiences over the years.
Seven Network acknowledged her significant contributions and wished her the best for the future. They also confirmed that Natalie Gruzlewski will continue as the host of “Farmer Wants a Wife” in 2025, building on the show’s success.
Angus Ross, Group Managing Director of Seven Television, shared his appreciation for Armytage’s work, stating, “Sam has made a remarkable contribution to Seven over more than two decades… It’s been a pleasure watching Sam share her pride of these communities [and] our incredible farmer love stories.”