The French thriller Sambre – Anatomy of a Crime concludes its first season with a double bill: “Winckler” and “Enzo,” airing back-to-back on Saturday, 14 September 2024, starting at 9:00 PM on BBC Four.
In “Winckler,” its Winter 2012 and Detective Etienne Winckler, an expert in cold cases, is assigned the challenging task of revisiting the ‘Sambre rapist’ case to determine if it can be closed. As he meticulously scrutinises files at the local police archives, he uncovers a disturbing pattern and identifies additional victims, including a woman named Christine.
Immediately following, at 10:05 PM, “Enzo” takes us to Winter 2018, where Enzo Salina, the so-called “Sambre rapist,” has made a critical mistake. Captured on CCTV near the scene of one of his vicious attacks, the police finally have tangible evidence against him. As news of his arrest spreads, those closest to him, from friends and family to the wider community, struggle to reconcile the ordinary man they thought they knew with the perpetrator of such callous crimes.
The series is in French with English subtitles.
Sambre – Anatomy of a Crime: Winckler airs Saturday 14 September 2024 at 9:00 PM, followed by Enzo at 10:05 PM, on BBC Four.