The gripping French thriller Sambre – Anatomy of a Crime continues its run on BBC Four on Saturday night with a double bill featuring episodes three and four, “Arlette (The Mayor)” and “Cecile (The Scientist).”
First at 9:00 PM is Arlette (The Mayor): In the small town of Sambre during the winter of 2003, Arlette Caruso, the charismatic and energetic mayor, is confronted with a disturbing revelation. One of her employees has been raped, and Arlette is determined to take action. She persuades the victim to participate in a press conference, a decision that leads to unforeseen consequences for both women.
Then at 9:55 PM there is Cecile (The Scientist): Fast forward to the winter of 2007. A series of rapes committed across the border prompts a Belgian investigating judge to seek an innovative approach to crime-solving. He enlists the help of university researcher Cecile Dumont, who agrees to use algorithms to pinpoint the rapist’s residence.
In French with English subtitles.
Sambre – Anatomy of a Crime continues with a double bill: Arlette (The Mayor) at 9:00 PM and Cecile (The Scientist) at 9:55 PM on Saturday 7 September 2024 on BBC Four.