In the third episode of Saving Lives’ second season, airing on BBC Two on Tuesday night, the documentary series continues to highlight the challenging decisions faced by clinicians at Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital for Wales and the neighbouring University Hospital of Wales.
The episode centres around three patients and the surgeons committed to treating them. At Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital, spinal surgeon Mike McCarthy prepares to operate on 14-year-old Brody, who has scoliosis or curvature of the spine. This could be Brody’s 15th and final operation to straighten his spine, but after four cancellations in 18 months, there are concerns that it could be delayed again.
Meanwhile, at the University Hospital’s maxillofacial department, surgeon Cellan Thomas focuses on 19-year-old Maham. Maham’s life has been disrupted by a rare and aggressive growth in her jaw, and there are fears that the tumour could be cancerous. Cellan, along with fellow surgeon Drazsen Vuity and two specialist theatre teams, assemble for a complex nine-hour operation to remove half of Maham’s jaw and reconstruct her face.
The episode also follows gynaecological oncology surgeon Aarti Sharma as she treats 41-year-old Shelley, a mother of four with stage four abdominal cancer. Aarti’s goal is to provide Shelley, who has already lost her mother and aunt to cancer, with more precious time with her family.
Saving Lives: Season 2 Episode 3 airs on Tuesday, 3 September 2024, at 9:00 pm on BBC Two.