The third episode of the documentary series “Sea Change: The Gulf of Maine, a NOVA Special Presentation,” titled “Sea Change: Survival in the Gulf of Maine,” will air on PBS on Wednesday, August 7, 2024, at 10:00 PM.
In this episode, the focus shifts to the crossroads faced by the Gulf of Maine and, by extension, our oceans. It explores the efforts of Indigenous peoples and scholars practicing climate resilience and adaptation, scientists tracking developments, and entrepreneurs finding new ways to sustain themselves from the sea.
The Gulf of Maine, stretching from Cape Cod to Nova Scotia, is a vast underwater realm with a rich history. However, it now faces a significant challenge due to warming waters, which affect not just the Gulf but also the global ocean.
Sea Change: Survival in the Gulf of Maine airs on PBS on Wednesday, August 7, 2024, at 10:00 PM.