The seventh episode of the 13th season of See No Evil, titled “Shattered Dreams,” looks into the tragic murder of 24-year-old father Dion Smith, who was executed with a shotgun in downtown Baltimore in 2017. The investigation uncovers cagey residents and a suspicious visitor, captured on telling CCTV footage outside the victim’s door.
Smith, a father of three and a youth worker, leaves behind a shocked community. His brother, T.J. Smith, a former Baltimore Police spokesman, receives a notification about the murder on his phone, delivering the devastating news. The case results in the sentencing of Terrell Gibson to 80 years in prison for the heinous crime.
During the sentencing, T.J. Smith delivers an impassioned victim impact statement, pleading for the maximum sentence for Gibson, who maintains his innocence. The prosecutor, Adam Chaudry, describes the murder as a “monstrous act,” and requests a life sentence, reflecting the severity of the crime.
The judge, Gregory Sampson, hands down a life sentence for the murder conviction and an additional 15 years for the gun conviction. “Shattered Dreams” once again shows how crucial surveillance footage and dedicated investigators can piece together the truth and bring justice to light.
See No Evil: Shattered Dreams airs on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at 9:00 p.m. on Investigation Discovery.