Mark your calendars for Hightown’s highly-anticipated series finale titled “Big Fish,” airing on Starz on Friday, March 8, 2024 at 9:00 PM. In this thrilling conclusion to the season, Ray and Renee find themselves backed against the wall, forcing them to make a deal with the devil. Meanwhile, Shane’s no-nonsense approach unexpectedly brings avowed enemies together. And as tensions escalate, a pivotal meeting helps Jackie choose a side in the imminent battle.
Hightown follows Massachusetts State Trooper Jackie Quiñones as she delves into the dark underbelly of scenic Cape Cod while searching for a killer. This gripping drama has kept audiences hooked with its gritty storyline and compelling characters.
The series boasts an exceptional cast that includes Amaury Nolasco as Frankie Cuevas Sr., Atkins Estimond as Osito, Dohn Norwood as Alan Saintille, James Badge Dale as Ray Abruzzo, Monica Raymund as Jackie Quiñones, Riley Voelkel as Renee Segna, and Shane Harper as Junior.
Don’t miss out on this epic final chapter! Tune in to Starz on Friday, March 8th at 9:00 PM for Hightown’s brand new and last, episode,”Big Fish.”