A new season of gritty crime drama Sherwood, set in a troubled mining town, premieres on BBC One on Sunday night. The community in Nottinghamshire is divided over a proposed new mine, and a senseless murder threatens to ignite historic turf wars. Sherwood returns with a contemporary narrative, introducing two new families entangled with the Sparrows.
This sets off a chain of events involving local gangs, old rivalries, revenge, and betrayal. The newly appointed Sheriff of Nottingham passionately opposes the mine, which promises jobs but also stirs reminders of a legacy that has long haunted the community.
The six-part second season is written by James Graham and directed by Clio Barnard, with Tom George directing the final three episodes. The cast includes David Morrissey, Lesley Manville, Monica Dolan, David Harewood, Lorraine Ashbourne, Robert Lindsay, Sharlene White, Perry Fitzpatrick, and Oliver Huntingdon.
Sherwood Season 2 Episode 1 airs Sunday, 25 August 2024, at 9:00 PM on BBC One.