The BBC has announced that Sherwood, the drama series written by James Graham, will return for a third season on BBC iPlayer and BBC One. Inspired by real events in Nottinghamshire, where Graham grew up, the series has gained attention for its portrayal of the area’s ‘Shottingham’ gang wars.
The second series has attracted over 6.5 million viewers for its first episode, with additional viewership for the first season rising to 7.2 million streams on BBC iPlayer since August.
Directed by Clio Barnard and Tom George, the second season concluded recently and was well-received by both viewers and critics. The cast featured top flight actors David Morrissey, Monica Dolan, David Harewood, and Lesley Manville. The drama’s depiction of the tensions within the Nottinghamshire community has remained a focal point for the series.
The third season of Sherwood will again be written by James Graham, who will also serve as an executive producer. Production will continue under House Productions, with Juliette Howell, Tessa Ross, Harriet Spencer, and Jo McClellan also involved. Further details, including casting, are expected to be released later, while the first two seasons are available to stream on BBC iPlayer.