The fourth episode of Sins of the South, titled “Betrayal in the Bayou,” airs on Oxygen on Sunday, June 2, 2024. The episode looks into the mysterious murder of a devout pastor in New Orleans in the chaotic aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. A second, unsolved murder with similar characteristics arises, leading investigators on a trail to uncover the identity of a brazen killer spinning a deadly web.
The episode explores the investigation into the pastor’s murder, which is complicated by the turbulent post-hurricane environment. As they navigate the challenges posed by the storm’s aftermath, investigators discover a second, cold case murder with striking similarities.
The two crimes are linked to the same killer, who has managed to evade capture. The investigation intensifies as authorities work to unravel the web of deception and bring the perpetrator to justice.
Each episode of Betrayal in the Bayou unravels the twists and turns of real-life murders, providing first-hand accounts, archival footage, and cinematic recreations to bring these sinful stories to life.
Sins of the South: Betrayal in the Bayou airs on Oxygen on Sunday, June 2, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.