The Oxygen True Crime documentary series Snapped returns with an examination of the life of Mary Lee Orsini, a woman at the center of two sensational murders in Little Rock, Pulaski County, during 1981–82. The episode airs on Sunday, September 29, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.
Mary Lee Orsini found herself implicated in the death of her husband, Ron Orsini. The case captured the attention of the public and media, leading to intense speculation about her motives. The investigation revealed a whole slew of potential reasons, including mental illness, sociopathic tendencies, and a supposed addiction to the drama and media spotlight.
On March 12, 1981, officers from the North Little Rock Police Department discovered 38-year-old Ron Orsini in a gruesome scene, lying face down on a bed surrounded by a large pool of blood. Initially, it was suspected that he had suffered an aneurysm or cerebral hemorrhage, but this theory was discounted by the coroner.
Mary Lee Orsini was one of the first inmates at the McPherson Unit near Newport, Jackson County. She died there of a heart attack in 2003.
Snapped: Mary Lee Orsini airs Sunday, September 29, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. on Oxygen True Crime.