The new documentary series Social Studies makes its debut on FX with a double feature of the first two episodes, airing back-to-back starting at 10:00 PM. This groundbreaking social experiment provides an intimate glimpse into the lives of a diverse group of Los Angeles teens as they navigate the effects of social media on their lives and relationships.
In the first episode, titled “Social 101,” the series focuses on the teens’ return to school post-COVID and the impact of social media on their daily lives. By sharing their phones, these young individuals offer a unique perspective on how social media has reshaped their childhood experiences.
The second episode, “Social Divisions,” explores the issues of racial and class divisions that these teens encounter on social media and in their real lives. It explores their aspirations for followers, fame, and social mobility.
Social Studies: Social 101 and Social Divisions air Friday, September 27, 2024, at 10:00 PM on FX.