The season 2 premiere of Sullivan’s Crossing, titled “Guilt Trip,” airs on The CW on Wednesday night. In this episode, Maggie (Morgan Kohan) returns to the Crossing, battling feelings of guilt. She finds Sully (Scott Patterson) in the hospital, grappling with a sense of forgetfulness.
Cal (Chad Michael Murray) is perplexed by Maggie’s distant attitude, unaware that Lola (Amalia Willamson) intercepted his farewell letter.
Meanwhile, Edna (Andrea Menard) and Frank (Tom Jackson) encounter their first disagreement in years, and roommates Sydney (Lindura) and Rafe (Dakota Taylor) strive to maintain a platonic relationship.
The episode is directed by Chris Grismer and written by Roma Roth.
Sullivan’s Crossing: Guilt Trip airs on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, at 8:00 PM EST on The CW.