Sun, Sea and Selling Houses Season 7 Premiere (Channel 4, 3 June 2024)

Channel 4

The popular British reality series Sun, Sea and Selling Houses returns for its seventh season, airing on Channel 4 on Monday, 3 June 2024, at 5:00 pm. In the season premiere the focus is on two sets of siblings and their journey to find their dream properties in Spain.

The episode centers around the Rodriguez siblings, Sophie and Charlotte, who are based in Alicante, as they take on the task of helping sisters Sandra and Ann from Castle Douglas. Sandra is in search of her ideal holiday home in the Spanish sun, with a maximum budget of 75,000 euros. Her sister, Ann, is determined to ensure that Sandra finds the perfect place, and their last-minute change of budget keeps the process exciting and challenging for the Rodriguez siblings.

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While the property search takes center stage, the episode also explores the dynamic within the Rodriguez family. Patriarch Manuel adds a fun twist by bringing the spirit of Valencia’s Fallas festival to their home, Casa Linda. The competitive nature of the family is on full display during this celebration, adding a layer of entertainment to their already busy lives.

In Calp, a brand-new family joins the series: Joanne and Andrew Alderton. They take on the task of assisting former farmer Stephen and his wife, Gill, in finding a retirement holiday home within their budget of 350,000 euros. Stephen’s love for jive dancing adds a unique element to their search, as they hope to find a property that will not only meet their practical needs but also get their hearts dancing.

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As the episode unfolds, we see not only the property searches but also a glimpse into the personal lives of the estate agent families. The Aldertons celebrate daughter Kassia’s birthday with a special family outing, where they get up close and personal with exotic animals, creating memorable moments away from the world of real estate.

Sun, Sea and Selling Houses airs on Monday, 3 June 2024, at 5:00 pm on Channel 4.

Isabelle aka Izzy Jacobs is the UK previews specialist at Isabelle is particularly drawn to crime dramas, but she also has a not so secret love for all things reality TV. In addition to her work at, Isabelle is also an avid traveler and a devoted foodie.