People Magazine Investigates: Surviving a Serial Killer, an absorbing documentary series, presents the story of Holly Dunn on Sunday May 12, the sole individual to escape the notorious Railroad Killer, Angel Maturino Resendiz. Airing this Sunday, the episode offers a detailed exploration of Dunn’s encounter, her resilience, and her quest for justice.
“Surviving the Railroad Killer” recounts a fateful night in August 1997 when Holly Dunn and her boyfriend, Christopher Maier, were attacked by Angel Maturino Resendiz near railroad tracks. In a brutal assault, Resendiz murdered Maier and left Dunn severely wounded. Dunn’s survival, coupled with her subsequent testimony, played a pivotal role in the conviction of this serial murderer.
People Magazine Investigates: Surviving a Serial Killer is a documentary series that looks into the experiences of those who have confronted serial killers and lived to tell their stories. The show is distinguished by its thorough reporting, drawing from the in-depth articles featured in People magazine, offering a nuanced and emotional narrative.
Angel Maturino Resendiz, infamously known as the Railroad Killer, was a Mexican serial killer who operated in the late 1990s. He earned his moniker by perpetrating his crimes near railroad tracks and traveling extensively by freight train. Resendiz was implicated in a minimum of 15 murders and confessed to numerous additional killings before his execution in 2006.
Holly Dunn, then a college student at the University of Kentucky, endured a brutal assault at the hands of Resendiz. In the aftermath of the attack, she not only survived but also demonstrated extraordinary courage by testifying against her attacker in court, ultimately contributing to his conviction. Dunn’s experience underscores the power of survival and the capacity for justice.
The episode examines the harrowing details of Dunn’s encounter, her journey to recovery, and her transformation into an advocate for victims of sexual violence. By presenting Dunn’s story, the show offers a perspective that is both engrossing and informative, shedding light on the impact of such traumatic events and the process of healing.
People Magazine Investigates: Surviving a Serial Killer, “Surviving the Railroad Killer” airs on May 12, 2024, at 9:00 PM ET on Investigation Discovery.