Survivor 46 returns with another thrilling episode titled “Wackadoodles Win,” airing on CBS on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 8:00 PM. In this installment, season 46, episode 3, of the long-running reality competition series, several castaways find themselves in hot water after a fake idol is played during tribal council. Additionally, one castaway selflessly takes the blame for their tribe’s loss in the immunity challenge.
The episode also features three castaways embarking on a journey to compete for an advantage in the game. As tensions rise and alliances shift, viewers can expect strategic gameplay and unexpected twists that are synonymous with Survivor.
Stranded in Fiji’s beautiful islands, these eighteen determined new castaways have been divided into three tribes of six. They must adapt to their physical and social surroundings, making difficult choices that balance personal risk and reward. The mental and physical challenges they face test their resilience as they aim to outwit, outplay, and outlast each other.
Hosted by Jeff Probst, Survivor is a show that continues to wow audiences with its mix of intense competition and strategic gameplay. Tune in to CBS on Wednesday, March 13 at 8:00 PM for the latest episode.