CBS’s long-running reality competition series Survivor returns with its forty-sixth season’s eighth episode, “Hide ‘N Seek,” airing on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. The episode promises intense strategy, endurance, and cunning as the remaining castaways navigate their remote destination and battle for the $1 million prize.
Following a dramatic blindside at the previous tribal council, tensions run high as multiple castaways step forward to claim credit for the elimination. Their attempts to garner recognition and influence stir the pot among their fellow tribemates, sparking suspicion and paranoia within the tribe. Alliances will be tested, and new alliances will be formed as the castaways vie for dominance in the game.
As the competition heats up, challenges will push the castaways to their limits, and every move could mean the difference between victory and defeat.
Survivor: “Hide ‘N Seek” airs on CBS at 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 17, 2024.