Australian comedy competition series, Taskmaster, is back with a new season, set to debut on Channel 10 on Tuesday, 24th September. This marks a change in the show’s schedule, as it moves to a Tuesday night slot for the first time.
The series will once again be hosted by the formidable Tom Gleeson, who returns as the Taskmaster. He will be joined by his assistant, Tom Cashman, as they guide a fresh group of comedians through a series of unique and mind-bending challenges.
The latest season features a diverse group of Australian comedians, including Peter Helliar, Mel Buttle, Aaron Chen, Concetta Caristo, and Rhys Nicholson. These performers will need to quick witted and creative, as they compete for the title of Taskmaster Champion.
Taskmaster Australia has already proven to be a successful adaptation of the original UK format, which has been sold to 12 countries worldwide and produced over 300 episodes. The Australian version has been well-received, and its popularity has led to the production of a fourth season, currently in the works.
The show’s format is simple but engaging, with each episode presenting the comedians with seemingly simple tasks. However, the challenges often reveal themselves to be more complex, rewarding creativity and quick thinking while penalising confusion and mistakes.
Taskmaster Australia is produced by Avalon and Kevin & Co for Network 10.